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Ben Hodgkinson

Ben Hodgkinson photo Ben Hodgkinson
  • Black Belt

Ben is a black belt in Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu under Lachlan Giles, based out of Absolute MMA St Kilda in Melbourne Victoria. He oversees the program at Trilemma Grappling, mentoring and supporting the other instructors.


Ben brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the club, having competed at the highest level, including representing Australia at ADCC, the most prestigious submission grappling competition in the world.


He is also the Australian Director for Grappling Industries, an exciting and groundbreaking submission grappling tournament, which runs events all over the world.


Students of Trilemma Grappling are able to access the benefits of having such a high level coach by way of online coaching, as well as visits from Ben for coaching and seminars. Trilemma students are also welcomed to travel with the team to Absolute St Kilda for extended coaching from Ben, as well as to access the highest level of training available in Australia under Lachlan Giles, at the world class Absolute MMA.